Hunting with Dogs
On Monday 18 March 2002 I voted with a majority of my colleagues for a total ban on hunting with dogs.  The House of Lords subsequently voted in favour of the so called 'middle way' option.

The Government has announced that there will be a further six months consultation in an attempt to find some common ground between the Commons and the Lords.  However the Government has indicated that if the Commons continue to disagree with the Lords the Parliament Act will be used to push through the will of the House of Commons.

In my view the proposals of the ‘middle way’ group fail to address the key issue of cruelty inflicted on animals hunted with dogs and I will not support any such proposals or 'compromise'.

Below is a copy of an Early Day Motion that I signed last June which shows my support for a total ban and I will take up any further opportunities that arise to express this view.


That this House welcomes the announcement in the Gracious Speech that the Government will be allowing for a further free vote on hunting; looks forward to an early introduction of an enabling bill; and expresses its continued determination to secure a total ban on hunting wild mammals with dogs within the next 12 months.


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